Roti Jala Recipe

07.03.2017 by theMister

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The Roti Jala has to be one of my all time favourite dish and as Malaysians, we are so blessed to have an abundance of choices that its so hard to pick a personal favourite.

I was tasked to make this for one of our Chinese New Year dinner to be paired with my MIL’s Chicken Curry. It has been a really long time since I have made these with my late mother and grandmother so I was nervous but excited at the same time.


Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Serving for: 4
Equipments required:

  • Whisk
  • Roti jala mould / Squeeze bottle
  • Non-stick pan

Recipe Ingredients

  • 50 ml thick undiluted coconut milk
  • 300 ml water
  • 150 g plain flour
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil + extra for greasing pan
  • 1 x large egg
  • ¼ tsp of salt

Recipe Directions

  1. Mix the dry ingredients(flour, salt and turmeric powder) together with a wire whisk in a mixing bowl
  2. Crack the egg into the mixture and stir
  3. Slowly add the water then coconut milk in while mixing to avoid lumps to create a smooth batter.
  4. Add the cooking oil into the batter and stir
  5. Strain the batter through a fine sieve to remove any lumps (if any)
  6. Pour the batter into the roti jala mould
  7. Pour a little cooking oil to coat the non-stick pan on low heat and use the paper towel to wipe off any excess
  8. Here’s the tricky part, pouring the batter from the mould not too slow and not too fast onto the pan in a circular motion inwards. Too slow will result in thick lines that would probably merge with the other lines while being too fast will have fine lines or even just droplets! But hey..thats the fun in making this =)
  9. Let the roti jala cook around 1 – 2 minutes. Using a spatula, lift the pan and just gently slide the roti jala into a large plate to set aside and cool.
  10. Repeat with the remaining batter and stack the cooked roti jala on the plate.
  11. If the batter is too thick to flow out from the mould, adjust the consistency by adding water one teaspoon at a time.
  12. Fold the two sides of the roti jala and roll up like a spring roll or triangle quarters. You can do this while the roti jala is cooking on the pan/griddle or when you have finished cooking all the roti jala. Just be watchful over the roti jala cooking on the pan – they burn easily!
  13. Serve with your favourite curry: chicken, beef or lamb!



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