Instant facelift and skin rejuvenation with SSR E-Light treatment @ Pink Passion

25.06.2016 by LadyAlly

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Getting older is not a bad thing. What’s frustrating is when you start to look old. Since I don’t have the means to do invasive surgery (and even if I do, I still need to think whether I dare or not), the next best thing is to go for a treatment. I managed to slot in this SSR E-Light treatment in my busy schedule and here’s how it works and the results of my experience.

IPL Light machine


This SSR E-Light treatment was done at Pink Passion in Sunway Mas, Petaling Jaya, the same place I did my eyelash extensions. Before I get into details, what exactly is this treatment? Basically, by using the latest IPL machine to deliver high pulse repetition on your face, not only does it removes unwanted hair, it also reduces brown spots, broken capillaries, sun damage, fine lines, and rejuvenates your skin. Compared to other IPL treatments, the SSR E-Light treatment is painless and gentle, and it improves skin texture and tone.

tube spa

So, I made an appointment and was told the treatment would take approximately 2 hours. At the same time I removed my eyelash extensions since it was time to give my own eyelash a break and some pampering. Changed into a tube-like gown and was given an exfoliating treatment. The scrub used is pretty gentle, since it could also be used on sensitive skin and even around my eye area!

After exfoliation, my eyes was covered with some silicon goggles that made me look really funny – kinda bug-eyed to be honest. Then, a cool thick gel was applied on my face, which is to allow the ultrasonic rays to penetrate the skin better. The beautician did one side of my face first so I can show you the difference in a before-after photo so here it is!

before after e light

As you can see, one side of my face has lesser lines around the eye area, and my saggy bull-doggy cheeks have been de-sagged! (Yes, I am using new words not found in the dictionary.. please don’t kill me grammar nazis!) I was honestly quite surprised to see an instant difference! I was told later that this is actually an IPL treatment. So that means, in time, facial hair will grow lesser, making the face looking even smoother than ever.

After the whole process, my face was moisturised with a super moisturising facial mask (^^;) but although it is good, it smells really “gamey” as it is made of sheep/goat’s milk. Try to bear with it if you can, but honestly, it smells so…. sheepy. Lol. After mask is applied and removed, then a face mist is applied, followed by a Vitamin E massage and lastly moisturizer.

In order to see the best results, it is best to do it at least once a month for the first 6 months, which is what you would call a “full course”. After this 1 full course, you can then stretch the treatment out a little to say, about once every 6 weeks or so. Of course, this also depends on your age and the results you want. However, I was told that if you are dark skinned or very tanned, this treatment might burn your skin since it uses ultrasonic rays and dark skin tend to absorb these rays faster. But don’t just take my word for it; if you are unsure, don’t be afraid to ask the beautician for advice.

Anyway, if you want to try out this treatment, here’s something for you. Just present this voucher below and enjoy an introduction special!

e-light voucher

Pink Passion Signature Salon

BUSINESS HOURS | Tues-Sat: 11am – 7pm; Sun: 11am – 6pm; Mon: Closed

ADDRESS | 37-1, Jalan PJU 1/3C, Sunway Mas Commercial Center, 47100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

PHONE | +603-7805 7285

PAYMENT | Cash, Visa, Mastercard


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