The REAL Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe

28.10.2017 by LadyAlly

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So, we have all seen how people love making grilled cheese in movies, on TV, and in books. I always hear it from #theSmally as well, since he watches quite a lot of YouTube videos that mention this cheesy snack. Since we tend to eat bread as our go-to quick supper, this is one of the most delicious snack to have, and no, it doesn’t taste the same if you just sandwich some cheese in between bread and pop it in the oven toaster. Long story short, here is the super easy recipe.

Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 slices of bread
  • Butter
  • 2 slices of cheese (either 2 slices of cheddar, or 1 slice cheddar & 1 slice monterey jack)

Recipe Directions

  1. Butter one side of both slices of bread.
  2. Get your cheese ready, either slicing it yourself from a block, or getting pre-sliced cheese. (Since cheese is expensive here in Malaysia, I tend to just use 1 slice mostly, 2 slices if I’m feeling greedy/rich)
  3. Heat a frying pan.
  4. Place a slice of bread BUTTERED SIDE DOWN.
  5. Place cheese on bread. (You can do this before putting it in the pan, but I wanna make sure it doesn’t slide out of the bread, so I place it after)
  6. Cover with the other slice of bread, BUTTERED SIDE FACING UP.
  7. Once one side is golden brown (please cook on medium heat to avoid burning), flip the sandwich. This takes practice so not to drop the other side when flipping.
  8. Keep flipping until cheese melts or when bread is brown enough.
  9. ENJOY!!!



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